All posts by Joyce Bowen

Montgomery County Women’s Center Donations

Good afternoon, Neighbors!

We hope this email finds you safe and in good health!

Marsue Ferguson, one of our LOLC neighbors, has been  involved in fundraising for the Montgomery County Women’s Center and called to see how they’re doing. They are desperate for items that we’re all having a hard time finding. So, Marsue is collecting needed items for the center– what a wonderful opportunity to help others in need! Please contact Marsue by text, phone call or email if you have any of the items below to donate. She will pick up your donations from your front porch and take them to the center! Thank you, Marsue!

Toilet paper
Paper towels
Disinfectant wipes
Hand soap
Hand sanitizer
Digital thermometers
Gift cards that can be used to buy pizza for the women and children or to help them get to safe relatives

Marsue Ferguson 
12431 Longmire Cove 

You may also drop off any of these items to the Montgomery County Women’s Center Administration office: 1401 Airport Road, Conroe, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

You will need to place the items on the porch and ring the buzzer – no one is allowed inside. The receptionist will collect the items from the porch and give you a donation receipt should you need one.

Also, please remember to reach out to any of your Board members if you are in need of any help during this stressful time. We are happy to help you get supplies that are needed in your home if you can’t or should not be out in public areas. We would also like to know if you are willing to help run errands – please send us your name and contact information.

Thank you and please stay safe!
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Good day Everyone,

With the current Coronavirus health risk, we are all facing, the LOLC Board would like to reach out to everyone in our community and ask if you need help. This help could come in the form of possibly going to the store for medicines and or food.

We hope everyone is remaining healthy and following medical professional guidelines to minimize your risk of contracting this virus.

Please contact anyone on the Board should you require assistance.

Also, if anyone is willing to help run errands for any neighbors, please give us your name and preferred contact information and we will put a volunteer list together to distribute to LOLC neighbors. 

Kind regards, Your LOLC Board,

Ken Johnson 

Ken Matre

Michael Nesbit

Diane Newton

Robert Rodriguez

Michael White

Lowering of Lake Conroe

Good day LOLC Residents,

As you may know in the 20FEB2020 board meeting the SJRA Board voted to continue the lake lowering program until December 2022 however the City of Houston is saying it is their water and they can do what they want with it……”even lower the lake to 180”; Statement made by the City representative in the 20FEB2020 SJRA Board Meeting. He also said they want the program to continue until their flood mitigation projects are completed but gave no date for that with the exception of the new larger flood gates installation would complete in 2023. These are in design right now and a construction contract was said to have been let to Black and Veach with the Army Corps of Engineers managing the project. I know the Corps and I can tell you from experience this will be a slow process and 2023 is optimistic at best, and this is not the completion date for “all” of the City of Houston’s flood mitigation projects, so their projects’ completion date could be many more years out.

I attended the 20FEB2020 SJRA Board meeting and what I heard was disturbing as the City of Houston was quite aggressive as they made it clear this is their water and they can do whatever they want with it. They acted as bullies and made threats, which is something no one should have to endure. Additionally, the City of Houston has been collecting fees for flood mitigation for years and has not done anything of substance with those fees. My understanding, from comments made in previous SJRA meetings is more the half the fees collected went somewhere other than flood mitigation. Interesting as I also heard, in the same forum, these funds are mandated by law that they can only be used for flood mitigation projects. So, where did the rest of it go?

This and many other questions should be asked and answered but more importantly Lake Conroe needs to stop being the City of Houston’s excuse for flooding downstream and the City needs to be held accountable for their lack of action and mismanagement of the San Jacinto river system and Lake Houston.

Below is information concerning a Class Action Lawsuit against the City of Houston, the SJRA, and others party to the lowering of Lake Conroe. The LOLC Board is providing this information to you for your knowledge and use. We will provide you updates on actions and information we may receive for your information and use in the future.

As a POA we cannot participate in this Class Action or any legal action in this regard as it would open up our POA to litigation from others. Something we cannot risk which is why we will only provide information so you, as individuals, may act on or not. The choice is yours.

Kind regards, Michael
E. Michael White
LOLC POA President
And your LOLC Board

Information obtained / copied from NEXT DOOR:

Hello all. Today, Natali Ormiston, her attorney and lake front property owner Ted Rumke and I met to discuss the creation of a class action suit against the Houston City Council, the SJRA and others who are interested in lowering Lake Conroe. 

Ted has agreed to gather a group of litigators specializing in class action suits to handle our case. These would be people skilled in arguing our case at these Lake meetings and in court without emotion in order to win for our side. It is time for a surgical strike.

This class action suit would represent our HOAs and individuals who are lake front property owners. It would place the matter before the courts and, if necessary, would be escalated to the Texas Supreme Court or even higher. This would take it out of the hands of those who benefit financially from siding with Houston, Mayor Turner, the Houston city council and the politically appointed SJRA.

With people like Houston City Council member Dave Martin who recently claimed that Lake Conroe is not the residents’ of Lake Conroe but Houston’s and the Houston City Council! This depicts the hubris this polit-bureau holds against those of us who stand against their self-serving interests.

Mr. Martin further stated that the upcoming February 20th meeting will impose a mandatory lowering of Lake Conroe. In other words, none of us have a say in the matter. With legal representation via this class action suit, an injunction can be imposed to stop them in their tracks, at least temporarily until a court hears the matter.

I urge you to consider this class action suit to be our best strategy to fight them. Otherwise, they will continue to pick us off one by one at these meetings.

If our class action suit wins, they will pay damages. We are talking millions if not billions in damages. These damages would cover things like the erosion of our properties, our bulkheads, and the high-jacking of our property rights and property values.

SJRA Meeting and LOLC information

Hello, Neighbors!

The last SJRA Board of Directors Special Meeting and Vote is this Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. It will be held at the Lone Star Convention and Expo Center at 9055 Airport Road, Conroe, Texas 77303.

Please come early to get a good seat and wear red!

Also, please note that the finalized minutes from the 2019 Annual POA Board meeting and draft minutes from the First Quarter POA Meeting on February 12, 2020 will be posted on the website within the next week.

If you can no longer access the LOLC website, please email Diane Newton at for the login information.

We hope to see you on Thursday!

Your 2020 POA Board

Thank you, volunteers!

Hello LOLC Neighbors,

On Sunday February 16, 2020, Rob Black had flowers and tools ready for a group of volunteers to clean out the flower beds at the fountain and the median on the corner of Longmire Point and Longmire Cove. The Board thanks all those that participated and Rob for organizing it. The beds are now clean, the new flowers look great! It was a beautiful day and the work only took about an hour due to the help of all the volunteers. Thank you all!

From time to time we will be asking for your help taking care of some of the projects to improve and maintain our community. Your participation would be much appreciated and will make the work much easier and take less time. So, watch your emails and we look forward to seeing you in the future.

Kind regards,

Your 2020 LOLC Board

Sunday, Feb. 16, 2020

Hi, Neighbors! 
As most of you know, Robert Black does a great job keeping our neighborhood looking beautiful year-round. We think it would be nice to show him our appreciation by pitching in and helping him out! 

He’ll be down at the fountain (Longmire Cove and Longmire Pointe) to clean out the beds and plant them this Sunday at 2:00 pm. There will be some plants going in at the gate, too, but we’ll start out at the fountain. 

He’ll have a cooler with some beer, soda and water -please bring some drinks to share, too, if you want. 

Hope to see you there! 
Your 2020 POA Board

1st Quarter Board Meeting

The first quarter POA Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the IMC offices, in the conference room.

IMC is located at 3500 West Davis, Suite 190, Conroe, Texas

The board will be taking the following actions:

  1.  Ratification of the new board;
  2. Review of old business; and
  3. Identification of new business.

Thank you,

The 2020 POA Board

Reminder: Annual Meeting

Please plan on attending our Annual POA meeting January 23rd, 2020, Thursday evening starting at 6:00 pm at the Montgomery Public Library located at 104 Interstate 45 North, Conroe, Texas , right off the I-45 and 105.