All posts by Joyce Bowen

Trash on Vacant Lots- June 19, 2020

We’ve had an issue arise that we need to address. Please do not place your yard debris on any of our vacant lots. You will be charged for the removal of the debris if this happens. You can put your debris in your weekly trash, as long as it fits properly. If it is too bulky, you can put it out for manual collection on the third Wednesday of the month.

Click here for more information: 

Thank you,
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Second Quarterly Board Meeting

Good Day LOLC Neighbors,

We believe it is now safe for us to have our second Board Meeting of 2020. We will use common sense and social distancing – masks will be optional. The meeting will take place on Tuesday,  June 30, 2020 at 6:00 PM in the IMC Conference room located at 3500 West Davis Street, Suite 190. We ask that if you have a temperature or do not feel well you do not attend.  Also, if we think someone is not well, we will not allow them in, for the protection of everyone in attendance.

We will be discussing the following issues:

  1. Road repair and clean up
  2. Unauthorized Boat Launch and parking area use
  3. Entry / Exit Gate Cameras and recent damage
  4. Financials Review                      
  5. Landscape Contractor performance
  6. Gap in fence along LM Cove and Water Crest
  7. Trash cans set out too early
  8. Suggestions for improving LOLC webpage
  9. Resident Comment

If you have something you would like for the Board to address please email it to by June 20, 2020.

We hope to see you there.

Kind regards, 
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Lift Station and Road Work

Good day LOLC Neighbors,

A meeting was conducted with the City Contractor for the lift station work on Longmire Pointe on June 11, 2020. The work will begin Monday June 15, 2020 at 7 am and continue for about three weeks (+/- July 6, 2020). During this time, we will be leaving the entry gate open each weekday from 7 am to 5 pm. The contractor was advised if they need additional days to contact the Board.

There will be some good fill material excavated and instead of hauling it off they have agreed to place it in the Longmire Cove/Longmire Pointe median as well as down by the Boat Launch. This will only be good soil and they will be monitored to make sure we do not get any unsuitable fill material.

The new footprint will be a little larger than the current, but they will be placing same type plants around it once work complete as well as restoring any damaged sod. Other good news is the existing trees will not be disturbed.

If anyone wants to know the exact area and see the extent, they can let me know, come here and I will show them.

Another subject of interest is we are obtaining bids to make repairs to our roads and some curb and gutter. We expect to come to an agreement soon and hope to start work in July 2020.

All this work means we will be having some road blockages and diversions and we ask all to be patient as well as please drive safely.

Kind regards, 
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Gate Damaged on March 25

Good day LOLC Neighbors,

The entry gate is not in place because one of the community landscapers used it as an exit gate on Tuesday. A bad decision on his part that resulted in his trailer catching the gate and lifting it up off the hinges. Damage to the gate and his trailer is significant but the landscaper will be bearing the cost of all repairs.

All Gates has been contacted and will begin repairs by the end of this week, however it may be a couple weeks before the gate is back in place.

Please let this be a reminder to all that the ENTRY gate is for entry and the EXIT gate is for exit. Also understand that the sensors for the EXIT gate are about twenty-five feet before the Exit gate and if you go past them the EXIT gate will not operate. So please approach the EXIT gate slowly pausing about twenty feet back so the sensors can operate as intended.

Kind regards,
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Boating Safety Reminders

Good Day!

Just a reminder that boating rules on Lake Conroe require that all operators of vessels and watercraft:

  • Maintain a “no wake” speed when operating within 100 feet of any Private Structure (dock, bulkhead). Effectively this means our cove, between Longmire Trail/Trace and Longmire Cove homes, is a no-wake zone.
  • Maintain a “no wake” speed within 50 feet of another vessel or person, except for a water skier pulled by such vessel.

Maintain “minimum planing speed” during the period from one half-hour after sunset to one half-hour before sunrise.

The link for the Lake Conroe Rules and Regulations is for your information.

Have a safe and happy summer on the lake!
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Remote Gate Access

Happy Memorial Day!

As summer quickly approaches, this is just a reminder to keep our neighborhood as secure as possible by using the remote entry system for your non-family guests and contractors. They can use the gate callbox to contact you for remote entry:

  1. They will punch in your personal call box number (i.e. 000#) on the gate callbox or scroll through the callbox directory alphabetically for your name and press “Call”. 
  2. When you answer the call, you press “9” on your phone to open the gate. If a single “9” does not work, try pressing “9” four times in a quick succession. 
  3. Once the gate starts to open, you will hear a tone and be immediately disconnected.

Your call box number is associated with your name in the call box outside the entrance to LOLC. You can find your call box number by accessing the name directory in the call box (press the letter A or Z buttons to scroll up or down to locate your last name). The contact number can be a landline or cell number.

If someone calls you from the callbox and you are not expecting company, please do not allow them access. They need to contact the person they are coming to visit.

If you need to know your call box number, if your name is not in the call box or if you need to update the phone number, please email Michael White at Please give him your first / last name and your LOLC address with the phone number (landline or cell number) you wish to use.

Thank You!
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Buoys and Lake Safety – May 15, 2020

Good Evening LOLC Neighbors,

 On Wednesday May 13, 2020 we replaced one buoy lost during Harvey that is permitted by the SJRA and relocated one other buoy at the Longmire Pointe Cove entrance. We also relocated three buoys at the LOLC Boat ramp to funnel the boaters toward the middle and keep them away from the docks along the LOLC shoreline. By doing so we have made the area safer and hopefully there will not be a need to add any more buoys in the boat launch area. This was all done in compliance with the SJRA.

 It is now up to the homeowners along LOLC shorelines to watch and see if boaters violate the buoy rules. If they do the homeowners should first take a photo or video of the violating vessel and report the incident to the Constable Precinct 1 at 936-539-7821 and/or Dispatch at 936-760-5800. If you can’t get a photo or video, you should still call and report the incident requesting an officer patrol the area. The link for the Lake Conroe Rules and Regulations is for your information.

 We ask you advise your guests that may be using your watercraft or coming to visit in theirs that they abide by these rules. This message needs to be shared with all, as watercraft belonging to LOLC residents have been observed going too fast in our coves. It is also requested everyone be aware the boat launch area is for LOLC Resident boating only and shall not be used for parking vehicles not associated with boating.

 Thank you to David Perciful, Jim Noser, and Ken Matre for their help in working the buoys.

 Be safe when boating,
Your 2020 LOLC Board

LOLC Updated Information-May 11, 2020

Good day LOLC Neighbors,

Due to the ongoing COVID19 concerns and the inability for a group meeting, we have decided to postpone the 2nd quarterly LOLC Board meeting, scheduled for May 27, 2020, until the end of June. Hopefully by the end of June restrictions will be lifted, and it will be safe for us to have a public meeting. We will announce details as to the date, time and location once safe to do so.

In the meantime, we are working to solve some road failure issues and will advise when that work is to commence. The City will also be replacing the sewer lift station located in the median at Longmire Pointe in the month of May. Exact start time presently unknown.

The Board is also looking into buoy locations as with the recent increase in boat traffic we are experiencing proximity and speed violations causing safety concerns around our docks. If you witness such violations, please contact the Constable Precinct 1 at 936-539-7821 and or 936-760-5800 for Dispatch and they will contact the nearest responding authority. The link for the LAKE CONROE RULES AND REGULATIONS is

We are also seeing unauthorized use of our boat launch with cars being parked blocking and impeding access to the launch, as well as seeing more watercraft using our ramp that do not belong to the Association. If you should witness this and know who the violators are, please take a photo and notify your Board. If you have guests using the boat ramp, please be aware that you need to be with them.

We hope you and your families are staying safe and doing well.

Kind regards,
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Montgomery County Stay-At-Home Order

Good day LOLC Neighbors,

As you may know Montgomery County has issued a stay at home order. In that regard we are attaching a copy of this order so you can read it for yourself and understand the necessary requirements for us all to get through this difficult time. It outlines the County’s social distancing requirements, essential business and activities, allowed outside activities, the curfew times and parameters, as well as the consequences of violation of this order. For now, it went into effect at 2359 last night (27MAR2020) and will continue until 2359 on 12APR2020 unless amended.

Your Board hopes you are all well and if you have needs you can’t take care of yourself or you just need some help please contact any one of us or reach out to your neighbors you are close to. We all need help from time to time and in keeping with the American way we help each other.

Please be careful and follow the issued social distancing protocols so we can help minimize the spread of this virus.

Stay healthy,
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Montogomery Co Order