All posts by Joyce Bowen

Road Repair Update and Gate Reminder – September 13, 2020

Good Evening!

ROADS: Road and curb repairs will be going on Monday, September 14 – Friday, September 18. Please be aware of the crew and equipment as well as areas where the existing curb and asphalt have been removed.

GATE: A friendly reminder that residents should not open the gate for extended amounts of time. If you need to have the gates opened (an open house is an example that comes to mind), please provide written notice at least 3 days prior to and we will schedule the gate opening. If the gate is opened without completing the request process, it will be closed. Also, we can not open the gate for private events such as a party. You can give your remote access gate box code to your guests and you can “buzz” them in as they arrive.

Have a great week!
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Road Repairs Update – September 8, 2020

Good day LOLC Neighbors,

We are sure you have seen the markings on our roads and the workers saw-cutting the areas to be repaired. This work will be ongoing for the next couple of weeks so please be patient and look out for the workers in the street.

After many tries and disappointments from non-responsive contractors, we have been able to work up a scope and contract to make repairs to the worst areas. In a perfect world, we would prefer to completely replace the roads due to all the previous patches and overall condition of our roads. However the Association does not have the funds for an endeavor of this size, limiting us to doing more patching.

We are hopeful this will hold us over until we can work a solution to replace the roads as this is really what needs to be done. And since the cost will be greater than the Association has funds, part of the solution will include a financial solution. Your support in this will be necessary and your ideas as to how we may accomplish this will be most welcome.

If you have any questions or comments, please email them to

Kind regards,
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Sunset Survey on SJRA- August 5

Good morning!

We wanted to pass this information from the Sunset Advisory Commission on to you to keep you informed!

The San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA)’s mission, operations, and performance are undergoing Sunset review as directed by the Texas Legislature in the Texas Sunset Act. The Sunset Advisory Commission is evaluating SJRAs operations and will make recommendations to the Legislature on how to improve the authority’s effectiveness, efficiency, fairness, and accountability.

We’d like to hear from you. As the Sunset Commission staff, we rely on stakeholders’ input to identify problems and propose workable solutions for agencies under Sunset review. Please complete the Sunset survey on SJRA linked below by Friday, August 14. Completing the survey should take about10-15 minutes. Please feel free to forward this survey to individuals you know who may have an interest in SJRA.

Click here to take the Sunset survey on SJRA.

Your survey responses are confidential and will not be shared with SJRA. To ensure the free flow of information, any other comments you wish to provide before the Sunset staff report is published in November 2020 also are confidential and will not be shared with the authority.

Join our email list for updates on the Sunset staff report and public hearings on SJRA. Visit the Sunset website to learn more about the Sunset review process. If you have specific questions about the Sunset review on SJRA, please contact Alan Leonard at (512) 463-1300 or

We greatly appreciate your assistance and look forward to receiving your comments and ideas.

Jennifer Jones
Executive Director
Sunset Advisory Commission

August 1 Updates

Good afternoon!

We hope you and your family are doing well as this pandemic lingers on.

As some of you might have noticed, the entry gate was pushed, causing a bend in it. We’ve had the gate company out to check it and it is operating properly. If you have any information that would help us determine how this was done, please advise the Board. We are currently discussing the best solution as far as repairs go since our gate has taken several hits lately.

We are close to coming up with a solution on the road repairs and when we have more information we will let you all know the schedule. It will cause some travel inconveniences along the way, but will be worth it in the end.

The work on the Longmire Pointe Lift Station will be completed on or before August 7, 2020. Thank you for your patience with this project. The entry gate will be closed again as soon as the project is complete.

Thank you,
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Solicitors – July 6, 2020

Hello, Neighbors!
There have been multiple reports about solicitors in our neighborhood over the last several months. There is a “No Soliciting” sign posted at the gate. No one should come to your door or leave business cards at your door or in/around your mailbox (note: putting a card in your mailbox is against the law). Even if the person is working at another house in LOLC, they can not go door-to-door trying to get more business.

If you are not comfortable answering the door, don’t answer!

If you do talk to the person, ask for a business card. You can call the business and let them know that we have a No Soliciting sign posted. If the solicitor was rude or argumentative, let them know that, too. If you are not comfortable with calling, contact Michael White or Diane Newton with the information on the card and we will be happy to make the call for you. If you do contact the business yourself, please still let one of us know so we are aware of the situation.

You can also explain to the solicitor that we do not allow soliciting in our neighborhood. Don’t entertain the excuses you will most likely hear next! Ask him to leave the neighborhood. Tell him that you will call the police if he doesn’t leave. Close the door and don’t hesitate to call the Conroe Police non-emergency number if you feel the need.

We need to work together to let these solicitors know that we have a No Soliciting policy in our neighborhood and we stand behind it.

Again, let us know if there is anything we can do to help! Above all, stay safe!

Also, if you are aware of any neighbors who do not get the blast emails, please ask them to email Diane Newton at Ask them to include their names, street address, email addresses and phone numbers. Thank you so much! 

Thank you and have a great day!
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Reminder: Entry Gate Open

Good Afternoon!

It has come to our attention that there are some questions about the gate being left open during the day. A blast email was sent out on June 11 advising  that the entry gate would be open due to construction around Longmire Cove and Longmire Pointe (see below). At that time, it was projected that the project would be completed by July 6. Due to all the rain last week, the construction will most likely be extended to approximately July 20, thus extending the opening of the gate. The gate is automatically opened at 7 am and closed at 5 pm, Monday – Friday. We are looking into why both gates have been open instead of just the entry gate. Hopefully that can be fixed.

If you are aware of any neighbors who do not get the blast emails, please ask them to email Diane Newton at Ask them to include their names, street address, email addresses and phone numbers. Thank you so much!

Have a great day!
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Good day LOLC Neighbors,

A meeting was conducted with the City Contractor for the lift station work on Longmire Pointe on June 11, 2020. The work will begin Monday June 15, 2020 at 7 am and continue for about three weeks (+/- July 6, 2020). During this time, we will be leaving the entry gate open each weekday from 7 am to 5 pm. The contractor was advised if they need additional days to contact the Board. There will be some good fill material excavated and instead of hauling it off they have agreed to place it in the Longmire Cove/Longmire Pointe median as well as down by the Boat Launch. This will only be good soil and they will be monitored to make sure we do not get any unsuitable fill material. The new footprint will be a little larger than the current, but they will be placing same type plants around it once work complete as well as restoring any damaged sod. Other good news is the existing trees will not be disturbed. If anyone wants to know the exact area and see the extent, you can let Michael White know and he will be happy to show you.

Another subject of interest is we are obtaining bids to make repairs to our roads and some curb and gutter. We expect to come to an agreement soon and hope to start work in July 2020. All this work means we will be having some road blockages and diversions and we ask all to be patient as well as please drive safely.

Kind regards, 
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Final Reminder of LOLC 2nd Quarterly Board Meeting

The last friendly reminder about our second Board Meeting of 2020. We will use common sense and social distancing – masks will be optional. The meeting will take place on Tuesday,  June 30, 2020 at 6:00 PM in the IMC Conference room located at 3500 West Davis Street, Suite 190. We ask that if you have a temperature or do not feel well you do not attend.  Also, if we think someone is not well, we will not allow them in, for the protection of everyone in attendance.

We will be discussing the following issues:
Road repair and clean up
Unauthorized Boat Launch and parking area use
Entry / Exit Gate Cameras and recent damage
Financials Review
Landscape Contractor performance,
Gap in fence along LM Cove and Water Crest
Trash cans set out too early
Suggestions for improving LOLC webpage
Resident Comment

We hope to see you there.

Kind regards,
Your 2020 LOLC Board

Friendly Reminder of Upcoming Board Meeting

Just a friendly reminder about our second Board Meeting of 2020. We will use common sense and social distancing – masks will be optional. The meeting will take place on Tuesday,  June 30, 2020 at 6:00 PM in the IMC Conference room located at 3500 West Davis Street, Suite 190. We ask that if you have a temperature or do not feel well you do not attend.  Also, if we think someone is not well, we will not allow them in, for the protection of everyone in attendance.

We will be discussing the following issues:
Road repair and clean up
Unauthorized Boat Launch and parking area use
Entry / Exit Gate Cameras and recent damage
Financials Review
Landscape Contractor performance,
Gap in fence along LM Cove and Water Crest
Trash cans set out too early
Suggestions for improving LOLC webpage
Resident Comment

We hope to see you there.

Kind regards,
Your 2020 LOLC Board