Solicitors – July 6, 2020

Hello, Neighbors!
There have been multiple reports about solicitors in our neighborhood over the last several months. There is a “No Soliciting” sign posted at the gate. No one should come to your door or leave business cards at your door or in/around your mailbox (note: putting a card in your mailbox is against the law). Even if the person is working at another house in LOLC, they can not go door-to-door trying to get more business.

If you are not comfortable answering the door, don’t answer!

If you do talk to the person, ask for a business card. You can call the business and let them know that we have a No Soliciting sign posted. If the solicitor was rude or argumentative, let them know that, too. If you are not comfortable with calling, contact Michael White or Diane Newton with the information on the card and we will be happy to make the call for you. If you do contact the business yourself, please still let one of us know so we are aware of the situation.

You can also explain to the solicitor that we do not allow soliciting in our neighborhood. Don’t entertain the excuses you will most likely hear next! Ask him to leave the neighborhood. Tell him that you will call the police if he doesn’t leave. Close the door and don’t hesitate to call the Conroe Police non-emergency number if you feel the need.

We need to work together to let these solicitors know that we have a No Soliciting policy in our neighborhood and we stand behind it.

Again, let us know if there is anything we can do to help! Above all, stay safe!

Also, if you are aware of any neighbors who do not get the blast emails, please ask them to email Diane Newton at [email protected]. Ask them to include their names, street address, email addresses and phone numbers. Thank you so much! 

Thank you and have a great day!
Your 2020 LOLC Board